

2:13 I am (4 words) just reading and learning this news. exactly of what we, what they believe it was that he shared. because, look, it's (3 words). it's submariners who spend months at sea. and I think about just what a betrayal to have a former president of the united states sharing this information that could be easily given to foreign adversaries. トランプが原子力潜水艦のトップシークレットを外国人にばらしたニュースを聞いて胸糞が悪くなった。これは、沈黙の艦隊、そして何か月も深海で過ごすサブマリーナーたちだからだ。元大統領がこのトップシークレットを敵に簡単にばらすのはこの上ない国家への裏切りだ。

ABC: Trump allegedly shared nuclear submarine information with foreign national