Should Teacher Be Fired After Students Find Topless Photo?
1:05 when I got to like my fourth period class, I asked my teacher if I can go back and get my,, try to get my crutches from the nurse. 学校で授業が始まる前に松葉杖を取り上げられたので、四時間目くらいに担任の先生に保健室に松葉杖を取りに行ってもいいですかと聞きました。
School Crutches Controversy in 2008
4:45 and after the 10-minute break, we go to our next period. 10分間の休憩が終わったら、次の授業に移ります。
My First Day of School Vlog in Japan!
4:02 I should go. yeah, right. 'cos first period.
The First Time (2012) - Ending Scene