My Life Story
0:01 it's been five years since Tim Cook took over CEO of Apple. revenues have doubled but innovation has slowed to a crawl. ティム・クックがアップル社の社長になってから5年経ち、会社の収支は倍増したが技術革新は鈍化してしまった。
Tim Cook's five years as Apple CEO
0:01 housing recovery in the US is slowing to a crawl.
Housing Recovery Suffers, But Don't Blame The Millennials | CNBC
0:03 but its ambitions to create a self-driving car may be slowing to a crawl. アップル社の自動運転車両開発の取り組みは当初より勢いが衰えてしまった。
NYT: Apple Scales Back Its Ambitions For A Self-Driving Car | CNBC
参考リンク 急停止するを英語でなんと言うか?
b-4436 slowed to a quiet crawl