
keep someone company

B keeps C company = B is with C, B and C are together. 一緒にいる、話し相手になる。 12:14 we were invited to dine with a real maiko and geisha who graciously entertained us and kept us company. 私たちは本物の舞妓さんと食事をすることになり、彼女は私たちを優雅にもてなし話し相手になってくれた。

Rare Experiences & Off the Beaten Path KYOTO, JAPAN

0:07 at the Moomin cafe, cups of tea and coffee are served with their own stuffed Moomin character, you know, to keep them company. ムーミンカフェでは紅茶、コーヒーがムーミンのぬいぐるみと一緒に出されます。ムーミンはお客さんの癒し相手になるのです。

Moomin Café offers lonely Japanese customers stuffed teddies to sit with at lunch

0:20 she went his grave on the anniversary of his death to sit with him for a while when she says this Red Robin came to keep her company. 死んだ息子の命日に息子の墓参りに行った母親に一羽のレッドロビンが飛んできて一緒に詣(もう)でてくれた、と母親は語る。

Mom Brought To Tears When Wild Bird Comforts Her While Visiting Son's Grave

5:35 nice company she keeps. あんたの娘はいいダチと付き合っているじゃないか。

Cobra Kai - Rivalry Resurrected (Part 1)

1:28 you're judged by the company you keep. つきあっている仲間でその人の人柄も知れる。

The Biggest Corruption Scandal in China | China Uncensored

a-7984 keep her company
a-9347 keep you company
-5101 keep him company