
必須英単語 translucent

translucent = clear but not see-through clear; between transparent and opaque 1:05 we've put up this translucent window film just to feel a little bit safer. のぞき魔対策として、少しの安心感を得るために窓に半透明のフィルムを貼りました。

Minneapolis Police investigating "Peeping Tom" incident

3:40 and let the onions cook for about 5 or 6 minutes until it starts to cook down and become translucent and add a little color around the edges. そして玉ねぎが透き通って周りに焦げ目がつくまで5,6分炒めます。注;ここでの透き通るとは半透明状態になるの意味。

Italian Sunday Sauce - Recipe by Laura Vitale - Laura in the Kitchen Episode 164