
have trouble doing something

一応、have trouble ~ing に慣れておこう。have difficulty ~ing, have problems ~ing なども同じような意味だ。9:38 now the language is obviously a key issue. and the French have real trouble calling a spade a spade. 言葉の問題もありますが、フランス人は黒人を黒とはっきり呼べないのが問題です。

History of racism: A French taboo

0:19 am I the only one having trouble seeing aliens? 私にだけ宇宙人が見えていないの?

ARRIVAL | Amy Adams is in peril in the final trailer

1:11 he even had trouble buckling his seat belt as he got on the car. 31年ぶりに無罪放免されたマッカラム元受刑者は、あまりにも長く投獄されていたので、車に乗るときにシートベルトの締め方もわからなかった。注;as he got out of the car と言っているが、おかしいので、as he got on the car にしておいた。

Two North Carolina men released after three decades in prison

0:14 what is it, Ensign? do you have problems taking orders from someone who isn't human? 何か問題か?少尉。人間以外の指揮官からの命令には従えないと言うのか?

Spaceship - SNL

a-9055 has trouble balancing
b-1763 had some trouble saying
b-2257 has trouble loosening