
related to someone 血のつながりがある

be related to someone はもちろん be related to someone by blood (血縁関係にある)のか be related to someone by marriage(姻戚関係にある)のかのどちらかだが、大体は be related to someone by blood だと考えて問題はない。relative(親戚)のこと。4:09 by the way, are you by chance related to the Düsseldorf-Schnitzelnazis? ところで、君はもしかしてデュッセルドルフシュニッツェルナチ家ゆかりの者か?

Key & Peele - Das Negros

0:28 they had to be related (to each other). 血でつながっているに違いない。双子に違いない。2:00 time to find out if we're related or not. 血のつながりが有るか無いかはっきりさせる時だ。

Look-Alike Athletes Test DNA to See if They’re Related

1:30 are you related to the deceased, son? 君は故人の親戚か?

taking chance clip 1.wmv

The six family members who died in a van that was swept up by Hurricane Harvey's flooding were related to a famous Texas-born singer who also suffered a tragic fate. ハリケーン・ハービーの洪水で流されたバンの中で死亡した六人の家族は、非業の死を遂げたテキサス生まれの歌手の親戚だった。

Slain Singer Selena Was Related to 6 Family Members Killed by Harvey Flood

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2010/05/blog-post_8254.html  身に覚えがあるを英語でなんと言うか?

b-0542 you are related
b-5352 not related