The People of Pompeii Often Resorted to Vigilante Justice
4:58 vigilantism will not be tolerated in this city. you're not going to have instant justice meted out by anybody because it's not justice. ニューヨークでは自警行為は許されない。ニューヨーク市民は誰かに正義の鉄槌を振り下ろされることはない。それを正義とは呼ばないからだ。
Did ‘Subway Vigilante’ Shoot 4 Black Teens in Self-Defense?
18:06 fair legal procedures to be meted out properly by courts. (警察や自警団が麻薬中毒者や密売人をその場で射殺するドゥテルテ大統領のやり方は言語道断で、裁判所によって公平な裁判手続が正しく下されなければならない。
Can Rodrigo Duterte win the war on illegal drugs? | Inside Story
0:11 the crude punishment was meted out after they were accused of attacking a bus. バス襲撃犯の名を着せられ、彼らの手足は切断された。
Amputations as punishment in Islamist northern Mali