
cathedral, temple, shrine 神殿、殿堂、聖地

二つの言い方がある。 4:26 at the temples of steak she created from scratch. ルース・ファーテルが創業したステーキの殿堂

Ruth's Chris Steak House

2:33 before the assault on the cathedral of our democracy, the Capitol of the United States. 我々の民主主義の神殿、米国議事堂が襲撃される前、

Dominion spokesman: Mike Lindell is begging to be sued. We may well oblige him

3:01 in the temple of American democracy 米国民主主義の殿堂(議事堂のこと)

Cowardly GOP Senators Look Away As Devastating Footage Shows Exactly Who Incited The Capitol Riot

0;39 the Capitol in Washington DC, the temple of a democracy that used to describe itself as the greatest on earth. ワシントンの議事堂、かつては地球上でもっとも偉大な民主主義の殿堂の名をほしいままにした。

Is time up for Silvio Berlusconi?

0;32 this tiny bar is a shrine to physical media. この小さなバーは物理メディアの神殿です。

CDs retaining the cool factor in Japan

0:21 the Sèvres factory is a temple to craftmanship.  セーヴル磁器製作所は陶工の聖地だ。

Behind the scenes at France's Sèvres ceramics workshop

1:31 this is the temple of steaks. ここはステーキの殿堂です。

The Old School Brooklyn Steakhouse Head Waiter That's Beloved by Guests - Staff, Episode 6

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/10/pantheon.html  pantheon 神殿

b-1267 this cathedral of classical music クラシック音楽の大聖堂