
in its entirety すべて、完全に

in its entirety 全体として、完全に。 0:01 to put it succinctly, the prior administration dismantled our nation's immigaration system in its entirely. 簡潔に言えば、トランプ政権はわが国の移民政策を完全に破壊した。

U.S. could cover travel, healthcare for migrant families separated under Trump

1:09 during that peiord, nearly 11,000 movies were made. but most can be seen today, only a quarter of them have survived in their entirety. 活動写真、無声映画(サイレント映画)は1910年から1920年にかけて約一万千本が作成されたが、今日目の当たりに出来るのはその全体の四分の一に過ぎない。

American cinematic history threatened

2:02 The remainder is left in its entirety to Alfred J. Pennyworth. 亡ブルース・ウェイン氏の残りの財産はそっくりそのまま先代からウェイン家に仕える執事のアルフレッド・ペニーワース氏に譲られる。

Bruce Wayne Funeral and Will (23/23) | The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

0;28 basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety, but we couldn't do that. 北は経済制裁を全て解除してほしかったのだが、それは無理だった。

Trump-Kim nuclear summit ends with ‘no agreement’ over US sanctions

a-9920 the whole thing in its entirety
b-0318 in its entirety
b-3573 in its entirety