
be hard-pressed to do something ~をするのは難しい。

be hard put/pressed/pushed to do something 0:37 knowing what I've known, I'd be really hard-pressed to support donald trump again. 私の知る限り、またトランプを支持することは難しい。

Why Mick Mulvaney believes Republicans no longer need Trump

0:50 if you're a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th generation Padstow dweller, you'll be hard-pressed to find a job that's going to pay you well enough to afford a mortgage. (金持ちたちの別荘地となってしまったパドストウで)昔からパドストウに住んでいる人たちが、パドストウで住宅ローンを払えるだけのいい仕事にはありつくことはむずかしい。

Locals frozen out of Cornwall's red hot housing market

0;30 but from the outside, you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference. 初代サーフェスとサーフェス2は外観からはその違いを見分けることは困難です。

Cracking Open - Microsoft Surface 2

30:41 I would be hard-pressed to say whether it's the chinese or it's the russians, but they're one two or two one. アメリカの軍事機密へのスパイ活動については中国が一位か、ロシアが一位か、甲乙つけ難いのですが、中国ーロシア、ロシアー中国のどちらかの順です。

"60 Minutes" Presents: 21st Century Cons

1:05 ... and I'd be hard-put to say,,,

Speaker Nancy Pelosi On Donald Trump's Future As President

0:44 and you would be hard-put to find any human being that doesn't lie to some extent or another.

Why politicians lie