
have something going for someone

have (something) going for one ~が(人)に有利に働く 14:27 so we got that going for us. ピクセル4の画面のリフレッシュレートは90Hzですが、バッテリーの消費を抑えたければ60Hzに変更可能です。だから、これは使う人にとっては便利ですね。

Google Pixel 4 and 4 XL review: the best Android experience

1:37 I run a legitimate business here. you think different. you better have a little more going for you than a big mouth and a neighborhood spy. 俺はまっとうな商売をしてるんだ。ちがうと思うなら、でかい口やスパイの真似以上のものが必要だな。

Michael Jumps Out The Window | Knight Rider

4:12 like, what do you have going for you, bro? おい、ペンス、お前に(トランプに勝てる)勝機でもあるのか?

Why Is Mike Pence STILL Licking Trump's Boots?

1:49 with all he had going for him, it's hard to imagine that Jewel's song " Hands ", a haunting ballad about overcoming adversity, could be considered his life's anthem.すべてが順調の彼にとって、 困難を克服するJewel (ジュエル)がバラードの「ハンズ」が彼の人生応援歌となったことは想像しがたい。

Hollywood mogul falls ill, close to death in less than 24 hours: Part 1

b-4082 have a very good thing going for you