hobble は馬用の足かせ。馬の自由を制限するのが目的。ここからイメージがふくらめばいい。0:09 Did you find my black flats? Presto. Thank you. I've been hobbling around on this broken heel all morning. I think I probably gave myself scoliosis. 黒のフラット持ってきた?ジャーン。サンキュー、この壊れたヒールで朝はずっとぎこちなく歩いてたわ。多分背骨が曲がったかも。
Madam Secretary 5x18 Sneak Peek 2 "Ready"
2:13 spreading disinformation and then using it to hobble chinese companies has become a go-to tool for the US government. 偽情報を流して中国企業の活動を制限するのはアメリカ政府の常套手段だ。
A Forced TikTok Sale? How the Company Could Become U.S.-Owned | WSJ
11:02 610 office still seems to be hobbling along. 中国のゲシュタポ「610弁公室」はなんとか存続しているようだ。
What’s Behind China’s Crazy Coup Rumors of Xi Jinping?
0:37 The bizarrely uninjured man is then seen getting up and hobbling away. かろうじて難を逃れたこの男性は起き上がって重い足取りで立ち去った様子が見て取れる。
Incredible: Pensioner hit by train on level crossing and walks away uninjured