counterintuitive 直感に反する。3:47 the more social media we use, the lonelier we are likely to be. this is totally counterintuitive. ソーシャルメディアを使えば使うほど、孤独になっていく。直感とは正反対ですね。
Going it alone
3:15 I'm just a moody old Englishman who on a quiet day might put in one sugar, but the thought of even putting a few grains of salt just is so conterintuitive. it just fries my mind. 私はよく気が変わる年寄りイギリス人で、静かな日には紅茶に砂糖をいれるが、なん粒かの塩をいれると言うのは常識の逆だね。頭がおかしくなるね。
American chemist causes stir in Britain by suggesting salt can improve cup of tea
1:43 which is kind of counterintuitive. お金をかけずにフィットネスが出来るなんて、反直感的だがね。
No gym? No trainer? No problem!
8;48 the winner walks off. it's counterintuitive. 勝った熊がその場を去るんだ。ちょっと逆だがね。
Photographer captures intense battle between 2 HUGE ferocious bears
b-5834 counterintuitive