put one's mind to something 気持ちをこめる、やる気を出す、集中する。1;29 don't tell me it can't be done. when, folks, you know, when they put their minds to it, and work hard, do it all the time. 17歳で司法試験に合格できないことはない。やる気を出して、努力して、いつも試験勉強するなら。
17-Year-Old Passes The Bar, Gets Hired As A Prosecutor
1:30 when he puts his mind to it, he can put some serious performances out on the track. ボルト選手が集中すれば、陸上でいい記録を残せる。
Bolt (9.76s) + Blake (19.26s)
2:22;38 and if you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything. やる気を出せば、何でもできる。
Grand jury charges Trump in 2020 election probe | NBC News
1:01 the impossible is not quite impossible if you set your mind to it. 精神一到何事か成らざらん。
Tightrope master Nik Wallenda walks Niagara Falls
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/blog-post.html キンドルを活用する
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2024/02/20240204shokz.html shokz は便利
b-5237 puts his mind to
b-5317 once your mind is set