

走攻守三拍子揃った選手は triple threat です。どの分野の人間にでも仕える単語です。 1:03 well, the big tech company says that USB-C is a triple threat. you can not only charge your laptops faster with these cables. it's also faster your transfer data. and it can also work as a video output. アップル社によれば、新しいUSB-Cポートはより早く充電できて、データトランスファーもUSBより早く、そしてビデオ端子にもなるという三拍子揃ったすぐれものということだ。

Is Apple crazy for dumping USB ports?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ul_t7zES-U  0:38 he's a triple threat. the guy can sing, dance, act. he's everything.ジョン・バロウマンは歌ってよし、踊ってよし、そして演技もうまい。
Arrow Cast Rapid Fire Game - Comic Con 2015
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibpIRpoj5pM  38:36 I mean, who knew Mr Fujimura could sing? I know he's a triple threat. he can sing, he can dance, his origamki cranes,, terrific.
Hallmark Movies Full Length - The Seven Year Hitch (2012)

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2015/12/blog-post_4.html  全てを兼ね備えている人を英語でなんと言うか?

b-3178 a potential medal threat
b-5559 genuine medal threats