
clock in at

clock in at はいくらかの(時間や単位を)計測する、所要する、かかるという意味です。6:48 with the third highest murder rate of any major city in the country in 2011, it’s no wonder St. Louis clocks in at number four on our list. 第四位に食い込んだ。

Top 10 Dangerous Cities in the US
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opwBw-O_UaY  6:58 next up, clocking in at #7, Kraft Dinner Smart. お次に、 虚偽誇大広告製品の第七位にランクされたのはクラフトのディナースマートです。
10 "healthy" food labels, exposed (CBC Marketplace)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jt-pfCrmvc  1:53 part travelogue and party policy treatise, “Hard Choices” clocks in at 600 pages, focusing largely on Clinton's time as secretary of state.ヒラリーの書いたハードチョイスは国務長官時代の旅の随筆や外交の要綱などが盛り込まれ、そのページ数は600頁に及ぶ。
Is 'Hard Choices' a presidential pitch for Clinton?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG_opbak_8k  1:00 currently the robot cheetah has a top speed of 10mph which pales in comparison to a real cheetah which clocks in at 60mph. 目下、ロボットチーターは時速16キロで時速90キロ(で走る)本物のチーターの足元にも及ばない。
Crave - 3D Pocketcopter crowdfunding soars despite no working prototype, Ep. 175

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2017/05/come-in-at-something.html  come in at something

a-6678 clocking in at
a-8461 clocked in at
a-9383 clocking in at
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