

on the hook for が便利です。4:28 if the bank takes the property, they'll still be on the hook for an enormous loan. もし銀行が抵当に入っているマンションを差し押さえたとしても、レーパスさんにはまだ莫大な借金が残る。

Non-performing loans - Risk for Greek banks | Made in Germany
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGED4Z6TrtY  2;06 Argentina could be on the hook for a lot. アルゼンチンは莫大な借金を背負うことになる。
Argentina Defaults According to S&P: What Now?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmfVzU88dSY  18:05 the owners, employees and creditors of these institutions are rewarded when they succeeds, but it is all of us, the taxpayers, who are left on the hook if they fail. this is called private profits and socialized risk. 投資銀行を言うものは人の金で博打を打って、勝てば儲けは自分たちのもの、負ければ、そのツケを国民に押し付ける。こいつは利益の私物化、リスクの国有化だ。
Inside Story - Capping bonuses: Too little, too late?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JO4VF_3XDs  3:07 the buck has stopped with the Irish taxpayer on the hook for €90B in bailouts. 最終的に、9億ユーロの救済金のツケを背負うのはアイルランド国民だ。
Boom & Gloom: Ghost town shame haunts ex-'Celtic Tiger' after bubble burst

a-3651 on the hook for
a-9813 on the hook for
a-9965 on the hook for