
cognizant = being aware

2:07 I am cognizant of some lives being changed literally. 受験の合否の判定が人の一生を文字通り左右することは十分心得ている

College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JY6PHnvik0  0;14 I was cognizant of some of their other work in terms of trying to penetrating our systems. ソニーをハッキングしたハッカーたちがアメリカの国防システムに侵入を試みたことは重々承知していた。
Congressman: Magnitude of Sony hack 'surprises me'
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1250fZuhUg  1:52 temperature affects everything on this airplane. the average person probably is not cognizant of that fact. but the faster you go, the hotter things get.
Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2010/08/released-on-her-own-recognizance.html  released on her own recognizance

a-2027 cognizant of
a-2051 cognizant of