George Floyd protests spread across the world
ちょっと構文を見てみる。there's no virus too deadly to frighten the protesters. と no virus is too deadly to frighten the protesters. の二通りの構文を頭に入れておこう。1;42 there's no sea monster big enough to ever frighten me. = there's no sea monster too big to ever frighten me. どんなにでかい海坊主が現れても俺はビビらんぜ。
Kirk Douglas - A Whale of a Tale
1;42 no detail is too small. 見落としてもいい些細な項目などはない。全てのポイントが大切だ。
Why It's Almost Impossible to Ride a Bike 60 Kilometers in One Hour | WIRED
2:45 no detail is too small to be ignored. 細かい場所まで忠実に再現されています。
Copycat Architecture Rises in China's Building Boom
参考リンク 正直者は馬鹿を見るを英語でなんと言うか?構文
a-8573 nothing is so bad that you cannot tell me
b-1008 no case is too small
b-1774 no price too high to pay
b-1877 no piece of information is too small
b-7020 no bar is too low