
cast a ballot 一票を投ずる、投票する

cast a ballot, cast a vote で投票するの意味。注意する箇所は、cast, cast, cast 活用形だ。 2:49 according to Georgia Secretary of State, more than 1,000,000 (a million) people have already cast their ballots.

Historic voter turnout keeps getting bigger

1:19 the Springfield is often voted the most accurate sniper rifle of WWII. now it's my turn to cast a ballot. スプリングフィールドM1903小銃 は第二次大戦中にもっとも正確な狙撃銃として活躍した。今度は私がこの銃を評価する番だ。

What Was the Best WWII Sniper Rifle?

3:33 most American women cast their ballots in 1920 for the first time.

How We Lived- 1920's

1:16 tomorrow morning, I myself will go to the polls alongside my fellow Americans, and I will cast my ballot. 大統領の私は、明日の朝、皆さんと同様に投票所に行き、そして一票を投じます。

Kirkman Encourages Voting - Designated Survivor

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/09/cast-doubt-on-something.html  cast doubt on something 疑問を投げかける

a-8894 casting a different vote
a-8899 cast a write-in vote
a-8995 cast a votebr /> a-9079 forecast 活用形だけに注意すればいい。 forecast, forecast, forecast