
part and parcel 必要不可欠なもの

part and parcel of something 必要不可欠なもの、切っても切り離せないもの。1:48 it's part and parcel of our profession. and there is this cheesy saying that old timers used to say that calm seas never made good sailors. 荒海は船乗りとは切っても切り離せない仲だ。昔の船乗りたちは、静かな海はいい船乗りを育てない、と言う臭い言い方をしたものだ。

Sailing The Rough Seas | Seaman Vlog

14:25 black sand beaches, hot springs, live volcanoes that spit lava and so on, many beautiful natural scenic vistas are just part and parcel of this landscape. 黒い砂漠のビーチ、温泉、溶岩を吹きだす火山など、多くの美しい自然の光景はアイスランドの見所です。

History of France Documentary

747; clearly this was part and parcel of the president lashing out at the news media. マスコミや個人への口撃は死んでも治らないトランプの性癖ですね。

How do Trump’s Twitter taunts affect the presidency?

1:16 Mitch McConnell, the senate majority leader, at the end of Barack Obama's time in office saw blocking democratic motions as part and parcel of his job. 共和党の上院院内総務のミッチ・マコーネルは自分の職務契約の一環として民主党のオバマ政権末期には民主党の議案をことごとく廃案に追い込んだ。

Election 2020: can the Democrats win the Senate? | The Economist

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2013/12/integral-part-intrical-part.html   integral part, intrical part
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2016/01/blog-post_6.html   つきものを英語でなんと言うか?

a-9893 part and parcel
b-0172 part and parcel
b-0465 part and parcel
b-0619 part and parcel of
b-0812 part and parcel