

1:34 this is not theory anymore, jason. this is not (5 words). during the state of the union address, the Capitol blew up and everyone died, everyone except one man. this is that there was a plan to make sure that only one person surviveid. him! congressman peter Macleish. Jason, (4 words). ジェイソン、これはもう仮説ではない。私の想像の産物とも違う。一般教書演説中に議事堂が爆破され全員が死んだ。ただ一人を除いて。これは一人だけ生き残るように計画されたこと。それはこの男、マクリーシュ議員。彼も爆破に関係があるのよ。

Designated Survivor 1x05 Agent Wells Finds out Congressman is Involved “The Mission”