
snuff out = kill

snuff out はロウソクを消すの消すだが、殺すの意味でも使われている。0:15 and in the past decade, 20 lives nearly all young people were snuffed out by nightclub generated gunplay. 過去十年で、ナイトクラブがらみの発砲事件で20人の若い命が奪われた。

Nightclub shooting on the rise

0:45 (governor, the federal government) was effectively snuffed out last night. There is no Congress, there is no Supreme Court. When it comes to the people of Michigan, I am the highest authority and you have none over me. 議会は昨夜の爆破で議事堂もろとも吹っ飛んでしまったよ。議会も最高裁も消滅だ。ミシガン州の人命を守るのは私の責務だ。あんたには何の権限もない。

Designated Survivor 1x02 Pres Tom Kirkman Bluffed Michigan Governor “The First Day”

1:09 so by measuing the amount of carbon-14 that's left in a sample, you can tell when that person sniffed it. 死体の放射性炭素(C14)濃度を測定することにより、いつ死んだか特定することが出来る。

Carbon Dating May Solve This Medieval Murder Mystery

4:33 the science on this changing everyday, we need to be open enough to change with it, so we can snuff out this virus together. 新型コロナに対しての知識は日々変わってゆく。我々にも科学を歩調を合わせて柔軟な考え方ができる懐の深さが必要だ。そうすれば新型コロナを克服できる。

What science says about masks

a-9592 snuff out any protest
b-3628 snuffed out
b-4053 snuff it out
b-4057 getting snuffed out