
moxie = guts ガッツ

moxie 根性、勇気、元気 2:53 I admire your bravado. in this case, isn't it the feminine bravada? I've never heard the term 'bravada,' let's just go with chutzpah. what's chutzpah? it's like moxie. oh, I do like moxie. あなたの果敢さには惹かれますよ。女性名詞は果敢チャにしては?果敢チャは聞きなれないな。肝っ玉にしよう。肝っ玉って何?度胸みたいなものだよ。度胸のほうがいい。

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3;17 it takes a lot of moxie to walk right into the Outfit and start whacking our guys around. アウトフィットに一人で乗り込んで若い衆を叩きのめすにはクソ度胸が要る。

ASMR in Movies 2

1:13 astonishingly, the adult mountain lion has seen enough moxie from this so-called baby underdog. 大人のピューマはこの小熊には十分な根性があるのを知った。

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1`:07 don't let it dominate your life. okay, so you're saying the people who lost eheir lives, they either didn't have enough moxie, or they didn't live in a big White House that has 20 full-time medical staff and get a chopper to a suite at Walter Reed, where they received a combination of cutting-edge treatments that literally no one else on the planet has received. コロナに支配されるなだって?じゃ、コロナの犠牲になった人たちは、勇気が足りなかったか、それともホワイトハウスに住めずに、一流の病院で最高の治療を受けれない負け犬だったってこと?

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0:19 the gadget is called "MOXIE." 火星で酸素の生成に成功した機器の名は火星酸素現地資源利用実験装置です。The Mars Oxygen In-Situ Resource Utilization Experiment

NASA rover extracts first oxygen from Mars