
A turned B(B に転身したA) 構文

1:15 on the deserted streets of Kiev, there's new support for their TV star turned stateman. 無人と化したのキエフの街にはコメディアン上がりの大統領への新たな支持が拡大している。

Ukraine’s comic president becomes stand-up leader

0;48 former trump confidant turned nemesis, Anthony Scaramucci トランプの敵になったトランプの前側近アンソニー・スカラムーチ氏

How Mike Pence Was Rescued By Security During Capitol Attack

10:05 a stereotypical wrestler turned actor 俳優に転身した典型的なレスラー

John Cena vs The Rock

0:01 this chimp turned escape artist 脱獄犯になったこのチンパンジー

Chimp escapes Japan zoo and falls from power cables

b-1747 the actor-turned-politician
b-2374 rival-turned-friend
b-2865 a former russian air force lieutenant turned state journalist
b-2958 a formerTV anchor turned First Lady of Florida
b-4620 a defendant turned convict