
all of the above 上記の全て

a, 甲
b. 乙
c. 丙
d. all of the above

のようになる。上記の全てが正解と言う意味だ。4:07 symptoms include e. all of the above. 症状は(四つの)すべてが出揃っている。

Airborne Hysteria | House M.D.

2:58 the answer is d. all of the above. a,b,c のすべてが正解。

It's Raining Iguanas In Florida | Dr. Oz Is Too Jersey For Pennsylvania GOP Voters

7;37 are you a madman? are you paranoid? are you an entrepreneur? who are you? all of the above.

The wild life of John McAfee, mysterious cybersecurity pioneer

2:33 so you want to get a drink sometime? you want to go to the movies? you want to see people? all of the above.

Modern Love: Anne Hathaway’s Mindblowing Final Scene | Prime Video

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_28.html   鼻糞(はなくそ)は食べるもの