if worse comes to worst 1:29 I just mean if worse comes to worst, and I pray it never does, I think I could be a real asset here. 行方不明の奥様に、もしものことがあれば、そうではないことを願っていますが、その時には私がきっとお役に立てると思います。
Monk Doesn't Believe In Psychics | Monk
1:17 the pressure is on, but it's mostly on the people that hired me. because worse comes to worst, I get thrown out and I cash the check and you never hear from me again. 自分の番組を持つプレッシャーはあるが、それは私を雇った側の方が大きいと思う。万一、番組が失敗すれば、私は報酬をもらって辞めるだけだから。
Trump REALLY Exaggerated His Wealth, Jimmy’s Pick for Supreme Court & Doocy’s Stupid Non-Questions
1;25 if worse comes to worst, there's always North Dakota. 万が一、フロリダで職が見つからなければ、ノースダコタに行けばいい。
Real estate blog ranks Florida most-stressed