
know which end is up 状況を踏まえている

know which end is up 状況を踏まえている、not know which end is up 状況を踏まえていない。2:20 it's perfectly clear that you haven't the faintest idea of which end is up here. 君はこの状況についてかなり乏しい知識しか持ち合わせていないことは明白だよ。

Columbo is Called Out! | Columbo

3;41 getting in so deep that you don't even know which end is up. あの頃の俺は事件に深く関わりすぎて全体像が見えていなかった。

Best of Ed O'Neill as Undercover FBI Agent | Guest Stars | Miami Vice

5:23 listen, by the time my lawyers are through with you, you're not gonna know which end is up. 俺の弁護士がお前を尋問するまで、お前には自分の置かれた立場がわからんだろう。

Monk Exposes The Fat Suit Killer | Monk

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2018/05/hold-up-end-of-bargain.html   Hold up end of the bargain 決めたことは守る