
wheels of justice 

wheels of justice = the wheels of justice turn slowly, the wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine   wheels of justice は 正義の車輪 なのか 正義の歯車 なのかの解釈は悩ましいが、正義の石臼 でもいいかもしれない。1:29 the wheels of justice turn slowly, but ( grind exceedingly fine ). 正義の石臼は遅くまわるが、、、粉は細かく粉砕される。

Monk Solves A Murder At A Football Game | Monk

3:49 and the wheels of justice are rolling. 正義の歯車は回っている。

Toobin: First day I thought Trump may not finish term

3:46 the wheels of justice turn slowly but at the end of the day, they do ultimately turn full circle. 正義の車輪はゆっくりとまわるが、最終的には一回転する。

Former Trump attorney released from house arrest

0:50 the wheels are once again in motion. 正義の歯車はまた動き始めました。注;ここでは set the wheels in motion と wheels of justice がダブっている。

‘I’m impressed’: Michael Cohen on new Manhattan DA team behind Stormy Daniels hush money probe

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2020/12/justice-delayed-is-justice-denied.html   justice delayed is justice denied
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2016/05/slowly-but-surely.html   slowly but surely