on to someone, onto someone 疑わしいので目を付ける。 1;28 I think he know we're on to him. 奴はこちらが怪しいと思って目を付けていることに気がついている。
Monk Solves the Basketball Case | Monk
3:25 we've been on to you the whole time. あんたの行動は逐一観察していたのよ。
Mistaken Roommate - Saturday Night Live
3:01 today's show is brought to you by the letter I AM ON TO YOU. この番組は「君を監視する」のスポンサーの提供でお送りしています。
Tuck Buckford Grills His CIA-Loving Google Home
2:14 I was so worried that they were on to me. 私が同性愛者だとカミングアウトすると疑いの目で見られるのでとても不安だった。
Horse therapy for LGBTQ teens
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2013/11/on-to-something.html on to something
http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2014/11/im-on-to-you-im-onto-you.html I'm on to you, I'm onto you.