
live out one's life 余生を送る

live out one's life, life out one's days 余生 rest of life, rest of days を送る、の意味。11:59 Dr Lakiss plans on living out his days in Abidjan. ラキス医師は余生をコートジボワールのアビジャンで送るつもりだ。

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4:30 the bull was eventually captured two months later, and is living out his days at a local sanctuary. 逃亡した牛は二ヵ月後に捕らえられ、保護区で余生をおくっている。

Don't Mess With These Bulls

1:16 he'll now live out the rest of his life in his new home. この犬は新しい飼い主のもとで余生を送ることになった。

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b-3743 live out the rest of her life
b-4632 lived out his days