
fair-weather friend 頼りにならない友達

fair-weather friend  いざと言う時に頼りにならない友達。0;35 as for why, Angie says it's because some folks are fair weather. なぜ親しい友達がいないのかの問いに、アンジェリーナ・ジョリーはご都合主義が多いから、、と答えた。

Angelina Jolie Explains Why She Doesn't Really Have Friends

7;40 china still has an emperor but he surrounded himself with sycophants and corrupt fair-weather friends that don't give an absolute shit about him.中国にはまだ皇帝がいるけど、奴はイエスマンや、奴のことなんかどうでもいい汚職まみれのごますり野郎たちに囲まれている。

Is China Actually Collapsing?

23;19 when I was rich, I had many friends, but I found out most of them were just fair-weather friends. 金があったときは仲間は沢山いたけど、ほとんどは金目当てだったね。

111 Advanced English Idioms in Context