Take Care, Mr. Elson: A Hard Road to Health Insurance | Times Documentaries | The New York Times
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBoSXX4WXkw 5:16 it should buy x amount more real estate, it should buy x amount more stocks based on these historical ratios. 歴史的な金価格なら、今よりももっと不動産も買えるし、今よりももっと株式も買うことが出来る。(つまり、金の現行価格は不当に安く抑えられている。)
5-Year Gold Forecast PREVIEW - Peter Schiff & Mike Maloney
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYL1dumNXb0 8:55 I was wasting x amount of my family's money.
Elettra Wiedemann: Model Talk
http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2014/10/what-little-money.html what little money