

at a loss for words ですが、基幹部分は at a loss です。1:06 Trump was not at a loss for words as the protesters were hustled out. 抗議者たちが会場から連れ出される中、トランプ氏はまったく言葉に窮しなかった。

Arizona supporters cheer Trump's latest comments
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWAJy5StZJE  2:06 everyone is so sick of the situation that they're at a loss for words. 漁業で生計を立てている奴らは全員行政にあきれてしまって出る言葉も無いね。
Regulator says Fukushima operator careless
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFlV_js4j_o  6:43 I have never seen you at a loss for words. 鳴くことを忘れたカナリアのようなあなたをはじめてみました。
Gerald Celente, "They are Robbing Celente to pay the Goldman Sachs Gang"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IU8xcQqhTHk  0:01 sometime we're just at a loss when it comes to what to get mom for Mother's day.
Ideas for Mother's Day Gifts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TeELknul1A  1:38 we're kind of at a loss.
Chris Horne on ODU housing crunch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOxgJ20gqRU  41:47 after the loss of the Holy Land, they were literally at a loss for themselves. どうしていいのかわからなかった。
The Templar Code

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUcU4PeP-As  039 I'm a bit lost for words but that doesn't help. We hope it's nothing serious.
BMW CEO faints on stage at Frankfurt auto show

a-2967 at a loss
a-5527 at a loss for words
a-5761 at a loss for words
a-6515 at a loss for words
b-1243 at a loss for words