
leave A for B ビーのためにエーを去る

leave A for B という公式を覚えましょう。0:00 Liza, you've always look good for your age. I mean, you're getting carded until you are 30. I know and my husband still leaves me for a younger woman. how's that for irony? 自分を捨て若い女に走る。

'Younger' Cast on Fresh Starts

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejSUHj6wGGY  2:48 so he left you for a younger woman.あなたを捨てて若い女に走った。
Plastic Wives- Spouses Spare No Expense on Surgery
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sx0UFaVU4Xo  2:18 she had left him for another man.
Killer father has been set free
1:08 more than 10,000 (Greeks) thought to have left Greece for Australia. 一万人以上のギリシャ人がオーストラリアに渡るためにギリシャを後にした。
Greece losing talent to Australia

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2012/08/blog-post_10.html  死ぬにまかせるを英語でなんと言うか?