
the receiving end 受け取る側

よく聞くいい方とはよく言う言い方、つまりイディオムのようなものです。0:11 business tycoon Donald Trump, not usually on the receiving end of his signature phrase 'you're fired!' 大富豪のトランプ氏はお決まりのセリフの「お前はクビ」を言われる側ではない。

NBC to cut ties with Trump
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMlTmOip3ig  1:47 Silvia is on the receiving end of this enforcement. 不法移民のシルビアさんは今回の立法措置を執行される側の人間だ。 The hidden life of an undocumented US immigrant
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7M-JGmdGN0  10:57 it's worth remembering that it is a Republican governor on the receiving end of all this rage. 怒りの矛先は共和党の知事に向けられていることに注目されたい。
Fault Lines - California in Crisis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCQb6FWNIpk  2;00 people at the receiving end of abusive tweets French Union of Jewish students takes on Twitter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3N-Ty0WOSA  4:27 but this time he's on the receiving end. 今回はやられる役だ。
Brad Pitt on 'Killing Them Softly,' Chanel Ad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zbLJFbvdcQ  0;22 police on the receiving end of public anger.
Crisis talks to save euro

a-4321 on the receiving end
a-6784 on the receiving end of
a-7655 on the receiving end of the racial slurs