
beast of burden 役畜(えきちく)

beast of burden とは役畜(えきちく)、使役動物のこと。1:24 once complete, this beast of burden can take the load off troops allowing them to focus on their mission. 組み立てが完了すればこのロボット牛は一個師団の荷を受け持ち、師団が任務に専念できるよう活躍する。

AlphaDog, U.S. Marines Robot Pack Animal - Legged Squad Support System
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BMJvnxFjbs  3:21 this massive plane is a beast of burden capable of carrying 300,000 lbs, the weight of 6 city buses. この巨大輸送機はバス六台分の荷物を一気に運べるモンスターだ。
Mighty Planes: C5M Super Galaxy (Full Episode)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmpWgiifV1U  8:17 for the common people, oxen were an important beast of burden until fairly recently. 近年まで牛は畑仕事や荷運びなどの力仕事に牛は欠かせない労働力だった。br />

http://bridge-english.blogspot.jp/2013/01/blog-post_3568.html  奇特な人を英語でなんと言うか?