

考えられるいい方はいくつもありますが、ここでは get attached to がわかればいいでしょう。16:32 this pair is a little bit rusty but Shoraku is very attached to them. ちょっとさびているけど林家正楽はこのはさみに愛着を感じている。

[Begin Japanology] Season 5 EP39 : Scissors 2012-12-06
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJ5FZECOMsk  4:52 I don't want you to get too attached (to me).
Why Late-Night Calls Are A Bad Idea [Disconnected] l Elite Daily
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI-81a5_wkI  2:14 it's possible to become attached to inmates you see day in and day out. 毎日顔を合わせている囚人たちに情が芽生えるのはありうることだ。
Prison of Passion: Relationships Between Female Officers, Inmates
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYNF56OTH7g  4;15 you get attached to it. コンピューターが手放せなくなる。
#TBT: Sandra Bullock Takes Over TODAY And Interviews Herself | TODAY
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UXAZ0T1pH4  46:29 I certainly became quite attached to her. このポンペイの女性複製モデルには強い愛着を感じるよ。 
BBC Documentary - Pompeii The Mystery of the People Frozen in Time

a-5010 are particularly attached to