
私の英語ノート 2019/11/27

イディオムとして、different の後に来る単語は from, to, than がある。different to が一番頻度が高いような気がする。different from, different than も使われている。0:09 well, you're a different color than me. あなたは私とは肌の色が違う。

When Mr. T Won’t Leave You Alone - Key & Peele

13:47 each sake bottle was so different from the other.

Exploring Japan With my Japanese Fiancé // Ibaraki, Japan

2:08 it's very different to American beef. 熟成和牛はアメリカンビーフとは大違いですね。

What The Most Expensive Steak On Earth Tastes Like

a-7436 different from
b-0641 different than
b-2333 no difference to
b-3898 differently to
b-3917 on a very different path to
b-4624 a different world than you do
b-4752 a different company than the charger
b-4987 different to
b-5294 different from