Voyage to the bottom of the sea: The return of the phantom
6:52 one badass bee who's been through so much. you understand why her moral compass doesn't point due north. さんざん地獄を見て来た彼女に、仏心が欠けるのは仕方が無い。
Top 10 Female Celebrities Who Could Kick Your Ass
0:31 the course for the East was set; due north. 東(大阪のこと)への航路はセットされた、真北だ(北極経由で大阪を目指す)
Polar Flight - Anchorage - Special (1969)
0:11 an airplane flying due south has crashed into the upper level of the North Tower of the World Trade Center.
A Look Back at 9/11
参考リンク true north 真北
a-8749 the sun rises due east and sets due west.
b-0110 due east
b-1480 due west