
true north 真北

true north とは測量上の真北ではあるが、比ゆ的に目指すべき方角、目標として使われている。1:47 David Bowie died of cancer late Sunday night at the age of 69. he's survived by his wife the model Iman, a son and a daughter,,, and so many to whom he was an artistic true north.

Remembering David Bowie | Top Songs and Reactions
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwNlCgf5jNE  3:24 if there isn't some type of change in the national consciousness by 6 and 7 year old children being gunned down in the sanctity of their school then I think we have lost true north in this country. our compass is broken.学校と言う聖域で児童が銃で撃たれて死んでも世論に何の変化もないようだったら、この国のモラルは完全に狂っている。
Sandy Hook mother: US 'lost true north' on guns

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Swj6cs5xxBM  9:59 I tell you, Anderson, what counts more than anything else is, he's not a deeply anchored man, he doesn't,, his value system is not deeply anchored, we look, in leaders, for what we call the true north,,, a sense of authenticity..
Extensive Donald Trump Interview Shows WHY he Turned Out Like he did - MUST SEE

http://bridge-english.blogspot.com/2019/11/due-north.html   due north 真北