You've Won the $1.5B Powerball. Who Should You Call? 4:07 so we've got about 130 kilometers remaining tonight. so that should be about 3 hours, give or take, on this road. 今夜は後130キロ走ればいいから、この道の様子じゃ、おおよそ、3時間はかかるだろう。
The Pole of Cold (RT Documentary) 7:08 Do you know how many miles that light traveled to shine on you? I guess I don't. 92,300,000 (miles) give or take. 月の光が君に届くまでどのくらいの距離を旅するか知ってる? 約9230万マイルだよ。 注;地球と月の距離は約23万9000マイルです。
The Other Side of Heaven 2001
a-9580 give or take