
私の英語ノート 2019/11/23

JOMO the joy of missing out についてちょっと例をあげておく。2:17 when I was maybe 17, 18, I saw somebody juggling five balls and I could juggle four and I thought I have to learn, that I have to learn five. it was like imperative i thought I would die if I didn't learn to juggle five balls. and then for a few years I think I was very unsociable and just juggled in a room. 17か18歳の頃、ボール五つでお手玉をやる奴を見たんだ。私は4つまでしかできなかったから、絶対にボール五個のお手玉をマスターしなくちゃ、と思ったのさ。できなっきゃ、死んじゃうってね。それから、何年かは部屋にこもってお手玉の特訓をしたから、あまり社交的じゃなかったね。

Jugglers Show Off Their Insane Synchronized Routines

14:08 he talked about the idea of 10,000 hours being the amount of time it takes for a human to master something. ,,,, if you're willing to apply 10,000 hours to something, you will be a master. .... and what it really said to me ... that your life is about your time and your attention. where do you put your time and where do you put your attention is going to be what your life is. and at any age that you apply time and attention to something, you can't help but move toward mastery. マルコムさんは「天才! 成功する人々の法則」で人間はひとつの事に一万時間を費やすことが出来れば達人の域に達すると書かれていた。心に残ったのは自分の人生は自分の持ち時間と意識の問題だということだ。何に時間をかけるのか、何に目を向けるかが自分の人生を形作んだ。人は歳に関係なく、一つのことに時間と意識を注ぐことが出来れば、必然的にその道で秀でることになるのさ。

Making sushi with Will Smith! Really! 注;いつも言うことなのだが、英語に関しては「正しい方法で」を付け加えておく

Piano Picker~I won't Last A Day Without You