
Who’d a thunk it? 誰がそう思ったんだろうか?

Who’d a thunk it? = Who would have thunk it? = who would have thought it ? 誰がそんなことを思ったのか??2:45 Who’d a thunk it? ここにロックね。誰も思ってなかっただろうな。

John Cena & Keegan-Michael Key Explore Their Impact on the Internet | WIRED

8:19 these outspoken English singer and actor are brother and sister. who'd a thunk it? 『ゲーム・オブ・スローンズ』のアルフィー・アレンとシンガーソングライターのリリー・アレンは弟姉です。誰が想像したでしょうか?

Top 10 Celebrities You Didn’t Know Are Related

0:04 Who’d a thunk it?

MADtv Who'd A Thunk It

a-9141 who would have thunk, who'd have thunk, who'da thunk, who'd a thunk
b-1306 who'd'a' thunk it
b-3232 who'da thunk it