Elizabeth Warren on Qasem Soleimani killing: 'People are reasonably asking, why this moment?'
2:20 the good news is that donald trump has the attention span of a fruit fly. and the bad news is that donald trump has the attention span of a fruit fly. so I mean really, we are not dealing with a mature sober adult at all. we're dealing with a mercurial impulsive attention seeking leader as we all know that's not news. いい知らせはチンドン屋トランプの集中力は非常に短い。悪い知らせもチンドン屋トランプの集中力は非常に短い。こいつは成熟した大人じゃない。こいつはただ衝動に駆られてとんでもない行動をとる、人気取りだけが目当てのアンポンタンリーダーですよ。
Sunday Scrum: Trump, Trudeau and trade