
open season 解禁期

open season とは釣り、狩りなどの解禁期間。一応、open season on something (ナントカ猟解禁期間)までおぼえておこう。0:57 It feels to me like an open season and it's not sometimes a safe place to be in this country for black men and today it's too much for me. 黒人の私にとっては、黒人狩りが解禁されているようで、丸腰の黒人にとってアメリカは安全な国とは呼べないような気がします。

Minnesota Cop Ignores ‘I Can’t Breathe’ As Man Dies in Cuffs

3;39 well unfortunately, it has been open season on the killing of unarmed black men by the people who are supposed to protect and serve us that being the police. 残念だが、私たちを守るべき立場にある警察は、丸腰の黒人狩りの解禁期間に入っていた。

George Floyd: Clashes escalate after death of US man in custody - BBC News

1:44 yet for 15 long years prior to Executive Order 11905, it was open season on Castro as far as the US was concerned. しかし、大統領命令11905(暗殺禁止令)以前の15年間はアメリカはあらゆる手段でカストロを亡き者にしようとしていた。

Insane Ways USA Tried To Take Out Fidel Castro

2:17 it was open season on Monica Lewinsky. マスコミは(クリントンを責めずに)モニカだけを攻撃した。

Monica Lewinsky's affair with Bill Clinton re-examined

a-8392 open season
a-8496 open season on
a-9888 it's open season on people who look like me