
couldn't care less = could care less

couldn't care less, could care less は文例で見たほうがいい。 5:58 you couldn't care less about this charity event. このチャリティーイベントなんてどうでもいいんだろう。

House Plays In The Hospital's Benefit Poker Tournament | House M.D.

0:55 she knew the Spencer family would not be very happy, but she couldn't care less, because she thought it was time Raine came back. ダイアナ妃はスペンサー家が自分がレイン・スペンサー (スペンサー伯爵夫人、ダイアナの継母) と縒りを戻すことをよく思わないと知っていたが、お構い無しだった。ダイアナにはレイン・スペンサー が必要だったからだ。

Diana Finds an Unlikely Ally After Her Split from Prince Charles

3:31 I can tell you, in Mexico, they could care less about my daughter. メキシコでは、私の娘が死のうが生きようがどうでもいいのさ。

Who Attacked NYC Teacher Vacationing in Mexico?

1:29 my son is dying and you could care less? 私の息子が死にかけているのに、知ったこっちゃないのか!

You Are NOT The Parents! | House M.D.

1:10 Perfume came naturally from Paris (Naturally), For cars, she couldn't care less, Fastidious and precise

Queen - Killer Queen (Avro's TopPop Dutch TV) - Official Music Video (High Quality)