
I got news for you

I got news for you は相手が聞きたくないことを言う前に言う言葉。 0:01 hey, I got news for you, you little two-bit prick, son-of-a-bitch, rat-bastard. you did nothing for me. お前に言ってやろう。お前は何の治療もしてねぇぞ。

Analyze This (1/4) Movie CLIP - You Did Nothing For Me (1999) HD

0:52 well, I've got news for you. when it comes to your mother's promises, there's a big credibility gap. サム、一言いおう。君のお母さんの約束は、まったく信用できない。

Bewitched | Endora Makes Darrin Disappear | Classic TV Rewind

8:39 folks, I got news for you. the lies are not going to save you. 視聴者の皆さん、お知らせがあります。コロナ関係の嘘ニュースではあなたの命は守れません。

Jim Acosta: Fox News viewers may have a case of whiplash

0;09 I got news (for you). I think you hung it upside down.言いづらいが、そいつは逆さまだな。

Endora Swaps Samantha's Painting For A Masterpiece | Bewitched

1:57 I've got a newsflash for you, Christine. I know you're after him. you're not going to get him. あんたにフラッシュニュースがあるわ。あんたが彼に熱をあげてるのは知ってるけれど、彼はあんたのものにならないわ。

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