
a sorry excuse for a something

a sorry excuse for something はナントカとしての悪いお手本。8:53 trump is a liar, and a vile excuse for a human being. トランプは嘘つきで、反吐が出る人間のお手本だ。

BREAKING: Trump makes DISGUSTING claim at CNN town hall

1:18 you are a sorry excuse of a man ! I hope you go to jail and rot in hell ! あんたは女の腐ったような奴だ。ム所に入ってくたばれ。注;a sorry excuse for a man = a sorry excuse of a man で問題はないようだだ。

The Horrific Vacation Mel B Took With Nanny Who Allegedly Had Affair With Ex

4:35 it's a sorry excuse. テッドクルーズの説明はつまらない言い訳だ。

Ted Cruz travels to Cancun as Texans remain without power